Friday, July 19, 2013

Uh, so, it has been a while.

But, I'm back.  We will see how long this lasts.

Lots of projects happening around our house.

Our original wee one will be two in - GASP - two weeks.

Our freshest wee one will be two months on Sunday.

There's a birthday party in the works- Monsters, duh.

A picture wall over the stairs coming shortly.

A cardigan in the works for 1.0.

A cardigan in the works for 2.0.

Fabric purchased for more dresses for both 1.0 and 2.0.

Cabinets that need cleaning out.

Garage that needs cleaning out.

Can't wait for Bulky Garbage pickup! (for a variety of reasons. this is a post in and of itself.)

A daddy who tells me that I need to reel in the spending this month.  (I know I overspent, and it is even more difficult to not do so when home on maternity leave.)

 A nursing mama who is bound and determined to not only continue nursing this time, but also to drop some baby weight.

A hungry mama.  On weight watchers. 

A mama who is finally re-entering her kitchen after what feels like a three year hiatus.

A mama who isn't experiencing extreme postpartum depression this time.

Where the heck have I been????

I am going to be posting what we are eating and my weight loss story here, too - this is in no way a food or fitness blog, but just need a place to put it.  You gotta start somewhere.

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